Monday, March 09, 2015

That Time Change Thing

            I woke up this morning and had no idea what time it was. Why? Because technology. Almost every single timepiece in my house has an internet connection and, therefore, automatically updates when the time changes. This was wonderful, except that I never know for certain if they've actually changed. So, my wife and I had to seek out the microwave clock to discover if our time had actually changed (it had).

            Really, though, what’s the point of daylight saving time in this day and age? I understand it had its uses in the past, but now all it serves to do is confuse and annoy people while creating more car collisions because of how tired everyone is. More than half the world doesn't even use it anymore, so it messes up how different time zones sync up.

            If the change holds any importance, we should just split the difference and permanently shift all the clocks by 30 minutes and leave them there in the middle. Problems all solved. The world will be a better place.

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

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