Monday, January 21, 2019

Blossom Fall, Episode 1

Colonial Caerdia: Blossom Fall is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't already familiar with this series, you can find the beginning over here.

You can find the previous episode here.

5th of Waning Fall - 3rd of Waxing Winter, 2158 AE

Time passes as the Spring Blossom sails deeper into the Endless Ocean. Early on in the voyage, I'Un wraps himself up in a sheet to hide his monk attire and asks around to find out if there is any underground fighting ring available, and doesn't have any luck. He even tries to start a rumor that there is one in the lowest levels of the ship, but when he arrives he discovers that it is now guarded due to someone breaking into a cask of wine.

John spends some time trying to find someone who is willing to train him to use a crossbow, and eventually manages to find a dwarf named Kobref who will do so... for a price. However, John would only be able to pay for a few days of training, so he decides to put it off until later. He also makes a few attempts to speak to the half-elven captain, who he finds to be beautiful and believes he can instantly connect with her because of their shared half-elven lineage. However, he can't manage to talk his way past the soldiers to get to her.

Vala begins asking around for people who would like to entertain themselves with some gambling. She does find some, but the pickings are slim because very few people have money left after fleeing their homes and buying passage. Catching wind of Vala's plans, Jojen approaches her and suggests a plan involving him producing very official-looking paper notes that function as IOUs which would allow people without money to gamble. The two begin hatching their plot and Jojen begins designing his notes while Vala sets about building a network.

At one point, I'Un asks Vala is she's ever lost anything, and receives a cryptic, cold response about how everyone has lost something. He goes on to explain that he's lost the temple; the home he grew up in, and everything he ever knew. This gets some responses from the others in the cabin, who were listening, but it it leads to John being rather harsh to Lord Krandig, as Krandig's sympathy comes from losing his mansion and his wealth, which John says can't be compared to losing people. I'Un leaves and heads up to the deck to spend a time alone.

On the 1st of Waxing Winter, the Final Harvest Feast is held on the deck. It isn't much of a feast - just an extra ration for everyone - but after nearly a month aboard ship, people are looking for an excuse to have a good time and do something different. It seems that everyone who can play an instrument is performing to add to the merriment, so Jojen and John join up with a band led by a half-elven fellow named Wyatt. This is, of course, after John takes another shot at talking to the captain, who is out amongst toe people on deck and interacting with those around her. She is polite to John, but turns down his request to have a drink with him, as she is quite busy and has many people who wish to speak with her. John asks when she'll have time, and she says when they reach land.

Vala sets out to see how people will receive the idea of the IOU system she's working on with Jojen, but gets distracted when a crowd - inspired by I'Un asking around - clears a fighting ring on deck. With Jojen and his band playing encouragement, she begins taking bets on the fights as a tournament is arranged.

As the fights progress, it's clear who will end up at the championship fighters - I'Un (still wrapped in his sheet) and a hulking half-orc sailor named Skaal. They face off in the ring, and I'Un very quickly realizes that, in spite of his size, Skaal is not only very fast, but has some monk training as well. The match is incredibly close, but a staggering I'Un comes out triumphant. Vala's gambling efforts weren't hugely profitable, but they did provide a bit of money to be split between the group.

The next day, John asks Jojen up to the deck to speak privately. He asks about something Jojen had mentioned before - something about there being a way to defeat the Somvidian Empire. Jojen explains that there is a place called the Isle of Resolution that some claim is mythical, but that he's certain exists - though is seems to have vanished. On the island, there is an artifact that, if paired with another item, will tip the balance of power in the lands in favor of the people. John expresses his frustration that this hasn't been used to defeat the Empire, and Jojen agrees.

Just then, shouts break out across the ship, with fingers pointing over the side. Jojen and John look over to see another ship off in the distance - smaller and faster than theirs - getting capsized by the large waves that are this far out in the ocean. Jojen rushes off to see if he can speak to the captain about this, and learns from the sailors barring his way that they aren't surprised the ship went down - it was foolish to bring a small ship out this far. Nevertheless, Jojen - having had some experience on a ship before - offers his assistance should it become needed.

John rushes below decks to inform Will and the others in their cabin of the tragedy, and returns to the deck with Will so they can be on hand to help any survivors. However, the Spring Blossom doesn't even slow or turn. He's very distressed by this, and goes to find Jojen - who explains that the Spring Blossom is already carrying more people than it should be; there's nothing they can do to help the other ship.

I'Un follows John and Will up to the deck and tries to climb the mast to get a better look at the ship that has gone down, but he can't seem to get enough of a grip to go very far. They're too far to see if there are any survivors, but he's agitated nevertheless. He goes to find Vala, who has started modifying an empty barrel to be a makeshift rescue, should the Spring Blossom suffer the same fate as the other ship. I'Un decides this is a good idea and starts working on a barrel of his own.

That night, John can't get to sleep, so he goes up to the deck to burn off some energy with some fighting exercises. He isn't the only one - he sees someone else in a dark cloak scampering around the rigging. He tries to get them to come down and train with him, but his offer is refused, so he tries calling the person a coward to entice them to come fight. It doesn't work, and it isn't long before the stranger vanishes below decks.

The next day - the 3rd of Waxing Winter - word spreads quickly throughout the Spring Blossom that many people are falling sick - tired, feverish, and vomiting. Captain Opal is asking that anyone who is well enough and believes themselves able to try to find the source of this outbreak. Jojen tears up some of his fine clothes to make masks for everyone in the room, none of which have become sick. He's hoping this might help them stay healthy as they head out to see what they can do to help.

I'Un and Vala make straight for the part of the ship where the animals are stabled, to see if the animals are affected by this sickness as well. The animals all seem to be in fine order, so they decide to head up to the galley where to talk to the cooks about the nature of this illness.

Jojen and John set out looking for patients to examine, but first stop to speak to a gnome who Jojen had marked as someone who might have been a member of his resistance network. After exchanging the correct passphrases, the gnome, Sillo, says that she is a cook ran messages for the resistance - and she recognizes Jojen's name, as she's delivered some of his propaganda in the past. Jojen gives her a mask, and she assures him she's also trying to determine the source of this illness.

John and Jojen then find a patient and, examining him, determine that the illness is contracted through ingestion. Thinking food is the next likely step, they collect Sillo - as she's a cook - and head up to the galley. They arrive, meeting with I'Un and Vala, and head into the kitchens to look for clues.

And that's where this game session ended. What is the source of the mysterious illness plaguing Spring Blossom? Check back next week to (hopefully) find out in Episode 2.

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