Monday, May 19, 2014


            I've just come home from a day of renovations to discover that it is, in fact Sunday – aka blogging day. I almost missed it. Didn't this just happen, like, a week ago or something?

            Anyway, yes, renovations. My wife and I are soon moving from my parents’ house to her parents’ house. This seems like a simple enough process, except that we are first converting the house into two separate apartments. This is because I have allergies to a number of their pets, plus they want to downsize and eliminate possible clutter space and so we’ll have our own space.

            It’s an interesting process, made difficult by the fact that there is a limited amount of work we (who know next to nothing about renovating) can do without my father-in-law (who knows how to do just about anything) who’s working a lot right now.

            Nevertheless, progress is being made. Various walls were torn down and, over this weekend, new ones were put up. Along with my wife’s cousin (another renovating rookie who, incidentally, looks a lot like Hagrid), I learned how to put up drywall and we became pretty good at it over the weekend.

            The downside is that my hands are completely worn out from all the work we did today, so I'm going to stop typing now. You may be hearing more about renovations in the future – if nothing else, you should be getting pictures when everything’s done.

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

If there's any subject you'd like to see me ramble on about, feel free to leave a comment asking me to do so.


  1. Oh, renovation. We're embarking on another renovation project at our house. This will be the third house I've helped my husband renovate (although really, the only thing I did to help out on our first house was help him paint the kitchen), and I can't wait to be done. I used to always want to own a fixer-upper, but I've had my fill of it now.

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

    1. Yes, renovations never go quite as quickly as you hope, do they?

      Thanks and I hope yours go well, too!
