Monday, July 29, 2013

The One That Got Away

            This morning (Saturday, not Monday) I was witness to a highly entertaining event (at least to my sleep-deprived mind). A rather large earwig was climbing the wall in the corner of the bathroom when, for whatever reason, it fell to the floor. As it fell, it passed through the web of a spider living at floor level.

            At this point, I should tell you about the spider in this story. It was a tiny spider. Its body was smaller than half the earwig’s head.

            So, the earwig scuttled backwards away from the web and the tiny spider lurched forward, grabbing the strands of web attached to the earwig. I couldn't actually see the web, but I could tell what had happened because the earwig started sliding sideways across the floor.

            The struggle that ensued can only be described as an angler reeling in a fish. The earwig struggled and flopped around, the spider tugged. Sometimes one was winning, sometimes the other. Frankly, I was exceptionally impressed with how well the spider was doing, right up until the thread snapped and the earwig was free.

            After watching all this, only one thing jumped into my mind. I could just picture the spider telling all its friends about the one that got away. “It was THIIIIIIS big!” Thinking back on the proportions, it would be kind of like a fisherman trying to land a whale. Apparently even spiders can have big fish stories!

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

If there's any subject you'd like to see me ramble on about, feel free to leave a comment asking me to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Jonathan! Part of great writing is great observing. What a wonderfully told story. I could see it in my mind's eye... even the spider telling all its friends about the one that got away. Delightful.
