Monday, August 14, 2017

Bountiful Harvest

            Normally it’s a challenge for me to figure out what I want to blog about, but this week I kinda have the opposite problem. I want to write about garlic, but I don’t know what to say about it.

            Why garlic, you ask? Well, because over the past week or two I was helping to harvest garlic and hang it to dry. You see, a couple years ago, my mother-in-law decided she wanted to try her hand at growing garlic. So she did her research, prepared her fields, obtained a few different varieties of garlic, and planted them. Last year produced her first harvest, and we got to taste-test the fresh garlic (my favourite part).

            Since everything turned out well, she planted more – much more. Thousands! Needless to say, I was rather excited about this. I’ve managed to dull my tastebuds to a point where the garlic flavor has to be very strong for me to notice it, and that should give you an idea about how much I like garlic. Who am I to object to such a large supply of garlic so close to hand? Sure, most of it is intended to be sold, but after all someone has to help with quality control.

            Of course, with so much more planted, help was needed to harvest the garlic fast enough. So, along with most of the family, I chipped in to help picking, bundling, and hanging the garlic to dry. And with testing the garlic, of course.

            A brief tangent (it’ll come back to the point, I promise), this year I’ve started teaching myself to draw – something I loved doing when I was a child, but that I gave up on before my age even had more than one digit. Up until now, my drawing has been... well, just take a look at the pictures in this ancient blogof mine. However, since January 22nd this year, I’ve been drawing every day and, as a result, slowly improving. Much of that drawing has been following tutorials or copying out of instructional books, but on the day the garlic harvest was completed, I decided to arrange and draw some of the freshly picked garlic. I was so happy with the results that I’m even willing to share the picture with you!

            Hey, look! I figured out what to say about the garlic after all. But I think this must be where I end, because there’s not much else to say about garlic. Except that it’s delicious. And good for you. And it keeps vampires away. So you should eat lots of it, especially if you’re buying it from my mother-in-law.

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

Also, make sure you check out my wife's blog and her website.

If there's any subject you'd like to see me ramble on about, feel free to leave a comment asking me to do so.

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