Sunday, January 27, 2019

Blossom Fall, Episode 2

Colonial Caerdia: Blossom Fall is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't already familiar with this series, you can find the beginning over here.

You can find the previous episode here.

3rd of Waxing Winter - 7th of Waning Winter, 2158 AE

Our ragtag band, thrust together by being given the same cabin aboard the Spring Blossom, are working together to figure out the source of a sickness that has befallen many people aboard the ship. Initially splitting up, they have now met up outside the ship's kitchens with Sillo, Jojen's cook acquaintance, where they share what they have discovered - namely that the sickness is contracted through ingestion.

Suspecting something nefarious might be happening in the kitchens, Vala and John carefully open the doors to peek inside, where they see cooks at work, but nothing out of the ordinary as far as they can tell. The group discusses possible plans, including smuggling Vala into the kitchen in a barrel to spy, but they decide to be up-front first. They knock on the door and explain to the cook that they're looking for possible sources of the illness and would like to check around the kitchen. At first, the cook is offended that they think there might be something wrong with his food, but he agrees that a search is for the best and allows them in.

They search around the kitchen a bit, asking some questions, until Sillo informs them that she's found an empty barrel that may have contained some sort of tainted food. She can't be certain without finding one that still has food in it. So, they set off for the hold - after a side-trip to find a cleric to help heal people, and encountering the elderly High Priest Grumlock who is already working to do that, accompanied by a young priest, but he expresses there's a limit to what he can do with his divine magic.

The group makes their way to the hold, picking up the quartermaster on their way so so that they can't be accused of any wrongdoing. As they head down into the hold, they hear a strange sound, and follow their ears to find a huge human in a bearskin cloak helping himself to a barrel of apples. After they establish that he isn't a threat - he just came down here to get away from all the people - he introduces himself as Conrad, and he joins them in their search of the barrels. With Sillo telling them what to look for, they begin finding crates and barrels of tainted food - and I'Un notices that all of the containers with a problem have the same merchant's mark on them.

They are concerned that someone has been poisoning the food, so they decide to set a watch. Conrad, Vala, and John hide in the hold while I'Un and Jojen accompany the quartermaster up to the captain's cabin to explain what they found and get a message sent out saying that the tainted food has been found and there won't be anymore problems - the hope being that this will lure any poisoners down to the hold. When the captain is told which merchant's barrels were tainted, she becomes frustrated because she had purchased them at a price that she knew was too good. However, she thanks them for their help, and gives permission for the announcement to be sent out.

While waiting for word to spread, I'Un and Jojen pay another visit to the High Priest and ask him about cleansing the tainted food, getting a promise from him to take care of it tomorrow. They then join the others in the hold to put all the contaminated food in one place so it can be easily accessed the next day.

Jojen and I'Un once again leave the other three to lurk in the hold while they head to the top deck. Here they keep a vigil for anything suspicious - in particular, they've heard about a dark-cloaked figure climbing around the rigging at night.

In the hold, John, Vala, and Conrad take turns keeping watch the whole night through. Though they are ready for trouble, none arrives. Up on deck, however, a little after dark, while Jojen is dozing, I'Un spots his quarry - a cloaked figure running around up in the rigging about the masts, avoiding the sailors who are working up there. I'Un quickly climbs up and calls out to the figure, who pauses to listen, but turns and runs off when I'Un expresses a wish to speak with them. I'Un tries to follow, but trips and falls - from close to 100 feet above the deck. He does manage to hook his leg through a coil of rope as he begins his fall, but it slows his descent only a little as it unwinds.

Down on the deck, Jojen awakens and sees his falling friend. In the split-second he has, he leaps to his feet and times a tackle for just before I'Un would hit the deck. Manages to break the speed a little and absorb a good chunk of the impact as the two crash to the deck. Sailors come running from all directions. I'Un is unconscious, and Jojen is barely holding on, but he has enough presence of mind to treat I'Un's wounds enough to bring him back from the edge of death. The sailors then help them back to their cabin.

In the morning, they're still the worse for wear as Vala and John return to report an absence of poisoners. After catching up a little, they find the High Priest and spend some hours getting all the food cleansed. After that is done, Vala heads back to their cabin and chats a bit with Lord Krandig, while John accompanies Jojen to report to the captain. Jojen leaves after telling the captain that the problem is taken care of, but John remains behind to ask the captain to dinner - an attempt at flirting that falls flat on its face. She barely even comments on how young he is before telling him to just get out of her cabin.

Over the next few days, John tries to find someone else to flirt with, but his disastrous meeting with the captain has eaten away at his confidence, and he returns to the cabin sulkily, worried he's turning into his cousin Will who can't keep it together around women. He tries to talk to Vala - who he thinks is a man - about his problems, but she doesn't seem too inclined to help. When she lowers her cloak's hood for the first time, Will falls out of his bunk, hardly able to believe they've been sharing a room with a woman this whole time. John still isn't entirely convinced Vala is a woman though, in spite of Wills insistence.

They also encounter Conrad again, who was kicked out of the hold in spite of him being confident that he had a perfect hiding spot where he could avoid being around people. Taking pity on him, they invite him to join them in their cabin. It's cramped in there, but at least it's better that some other places on the ship.

The 7th of Waxing Winter is I'Un's 25th birthday, but he's still feeling ashamed of his fall from the mast and can't bring himself to tell anyone.

Another month passes, with varying weather, but still no sign of land in sight. As they're waking up on the 7th of Waning Winter, there's a resounding boom as the ship trembles. Shortly afterwards they begin hearing screams. Everyone rushes out of the cabin, heading for the deck to see what's happening. I'Un and Vala grab their escape-barrels and, seeing this, Conrad pulls a door from another cabin to use as a raft - terrifying the already frightened people inside.

They reach the deck to see a massive sea creature - something part-way between a fish and a snake - has wrapped itself around the ship, with its head on one side - accompanied by clawed, fin-like appendages holding onto the ship - and the tail on the other. The group watches in horror as the tail sweeps across the deck, knocking several people overboard. The deck is crowded with people trying to fight the creature off, or flee it.

After casting an eye around the horizon and seeing that there is still no sign of land, Conrad charges in at the tail, unleashing all his pent up rage at being stuck aboard this ship with so many people crowded around him. Seeing the sweeping tail sending people into the ocean, Vala and I'Un opt to go attack the head instead, while Jojen and John stay in the middle of the ship, casting spells and shooting arrows. With astounding luck, the group manages to avoid attacks from the sea monster while landing their own. With the aid of the others on deck, they are able to drive the creature off the side of the ship. It drops back into the water and swims off, trailing blood.

And that brings and end to this game session. Check back next week to find out what happens next in Episode 3.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Lark's Landing, Episode 53

Colonial Caerdia: Lark's Landing is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't familiar with this ongoing story, you can follow this link to Once Upon a Tabletop on YouTube to hear the start of it or read the brief summary I wrote when I switched from video to blog.

You can find the previous episode here.

26th of Waning Summer, 1AL

Huddled in a dark room beside what they believe to be Zotzillaha's stone coffin, waiting for the vampire to show up, the 3rd Watch are beset by rats that seem to get more numerous the longer they stay. They decide that they have no idea when - or if - the vampire will show up, and the rats aren't worth the trouble. They will continue the search for him. However, in case the vampire does show up, Fiaeorri leaves her pet giant firebeetle Ruby behind, planning to keep in contact with her through a message spell - not that Ruby is a great conversationalist.

They backtrack to a muddy room, take a left turn and travel up a hall where the walls are carved to look like bamboo logs - and, partway up the hall, some of the logs have swung out and blocked the passage. Someone had previously cut a hole trough the stone big enough that they could squeeze through, so they crawl through. Around the corner is an ajar doorway, which Fiaeorri opens after checking to make sure it's free of traps.

There's a large room beyond the door, very dimly lit by Extang's magical stone. Fiaeorri can just make out some raised shapes in the middle of the room, one of which looks like it has a humanoid figure crouched on it. Fiaeorri sneaks into the room, keeping to the shadows along the wall. As the light comes deeper into the room, it become clear that the crouched figure is Lykos, Logan's apprentice, on elbows and knees atop what is made up to look like a laden table placed in front of a domed alcove. He has a mango in his mouth. In addition, on either wall there is a metal spike driven in, from which hang other people - Siafon, the half-elven cartographer, and Dilmi, the halfling jeweler who has been training T'Zaric.

Quib rushes up to check Lykos's pulse, while Patrick runs in to pull the mango out of the boy's mouth. T'Zaric flies over to check on Dilmi, while Extang starts for Saifon, with Logan bringing up the rear. As they all enter the room, a hand pushes the door shut behind them, and there stands Zotzillaha. He comments them being here - Clanky, Smokey, Squishy, Bright Eys, Cyclops, and Song Bird - and laments that the absense of the Yucky Goblin and the Pretend Man. T'Zaric snidely asks how long Zotzillaha has been waiting behind the door, but Extang has already begun casting a spell - and the vampire is faster.

Zotzillaha sweeps across the room and holds out his axe, releasing a devastating cone of flame over everyone but Fiaeorri and T'Zaric. He then begins laying into Fiaeorri with his claws while the 3rd Watch unleashes their fury on him. However, he has more tricks up his sleeve. With a call to someone unseen, Zotzillaha turns into a mist and vanishes under the door.

From behind the domed alcove steps a panther-man familiar to some of them, hurling two bags into the air. As the bags tumble and fall, small figurines scatter in every direction. When they hit the floor, they blossom up into full-sized, living versions of themselves - packing the room full of tribal people and animals. Most of the enemies aren't that strong, but there are so many that it's still a serious concern. Quib turns himself into a huge ape, while T'Zaric bombs the back of the room with fireballs - carefully avoiding hitting the vampire's prisoners and his friends - and Patrick tries to find a way out through the locked doors. With exceptional speed granted by Extang, Fiaeorri and Logan cut their way through enemies.

Quib loses his concentration on his spell and reverts back to his usual form, and the panther-man focuses his attention on Extang - until Fiaeorri snags him with a charm spell, getting him to fight for them. Slowly, the room is cleared of enemies. At last, it seems like the battle is over. Most of the 3rd Watch are heavily wounded, and their spells are all but spent.

Then a mist comes creeping in under the door and forms into Zotzillaha, looking fully recovered from the wounds they gave him earlier. He grins at them and tells them how he's always liked his meat tenderized. The battle resumes in earnest, with the vampire flitting around the field of battle. Extang takes a risk, turning Patrick and Fiaeorri into huge apes like Quib had been - at the cost of Fiaeorri and Logan being put out of action for a moment as they recover from his previous haste spell, which he can't concentrate on at the same time.

This draws Zotzillaha straight to Extang - grabbing him and sinking his teeth into Extang's neck, drinking his blood and visibly recovering. However, Extang manages to hold his concentration on the spell as his friends continue to weaken Zotzillaha until finally a rock hurtled by ape-Patrick causes the vampire to emit a shriek of pain. Zotzillaha's axe clatters to the ground as he dissipates into mist.

And that's where this game session ended. Is Zotzillaha finally defeated? Find out next week in Episode 54.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Blossom Fall, Episode 1

Colonial Caerdia: Blossom Fall is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't already familiar with this series, you can find the beginning over here.

You can find the previous episode here.

5th of Waning Fall - 3rd of Waxing Winter, 2158 AE

Time passes as the Spring Blossom sails deeper into the Endless Ocean. Early on in the voyage, I'Un wraps himself up in a sheet to hide his monk attire and asks around to find out if there is any underground fighting ring available, and doesn't have any luck. He even tries to start a rumor that there is one in the lowest levels of the ship, but when he arrives he discovers that it is now guarded due to someone breaking into a cask of wine.

John spends some time trying to find someone who is willing to train him to use a crossbow, and eventually manages to find a dwarf named Kobref who will do so... for a price. However, John would only be able to pay for a few days of training, so he decides to put it off until later. He also makes a few attempts to speak to the half-elven captain, who he finds to be beautiful and believes he can instantly connect with her because of their shared half-elven lineage. However, he can't manage to talk his way past the soldiers to get to her.

Vala begins asking around for people who would like to entertain themselves with some gambling. She does find some, but the pickings are slim because very few people have money left after fleeing their homes and buying passage. Catching wind of Vala's plans, Jojen approaches her and suggests a plan involving him producing very official-looking paper notes that function as IOUs which would allow people without money to gamble. The two begin hatching their plot and Jojen begins designing his notes while Vala sets about building a network.

At one point, I'Un asks Vala is she's ever lost anything, and receives a cryptic, cold response about how everyone has lost something. He goes on to explain that he's lost the temple; the home he grew up in, and everything he ever knew. This gets some responses from the others in the cabin, who were listening, but it it leads to John being rather harsh to Lord Krandig, as Krandig's sympathy comes from losing his mansion and his wealth, which John says can't be compared to losing people. I'Un leaves and heads up to the deck to spend a time alone.

On the 1st of Waxing Winter, the Final Harvest Feast is held on the deck. It isn't much of a feast - just an extra ration for everyone - but after nearly a month aboard ship, people are looking for an excuse to have a good time and do something different. It seems that everyone who can play an instrument is performing to add to the merriment, so Jojen and John join up with a band led by a half-elven fellow named Wyatt. This is, of course, after John takes another shot at talking to the captain, who is out amongst toe people on deck and interacting with those around her. She is polite to John, but turns down his request to have a drink with him, as she is quite busy and has many people who wish to speak with her. John asks when she'll have time, and she says when they reach land.

Vala sets out to see how people will receive the idea of the IOU system she's working on with Jojen, but gets distracted when a crowd - inspired by I'Un asking around - clears a fighting ring on deck. With Jojen and his band playing encouragement, she begins taking bets on the fights as a tournament is arranged.

As the fights progress, it's clear who will end up at the championship fighters - I'Un (still wrapped in his sheet) and a hulking half-orc sailor named Skaal. They face off in the ring, and I'Un very quickly realizes that, in spite of his size, Skaal is not only very fast, but has some monk training as well. The match is incredibly close, but a staggering I'Un comes out triumphant. Vala's gambling efforts weren't hugely profitable, but they did provide a bit of money to be split between the group.

The next day, John asks Jojen up to the deck to speak privately. He asks about something Jojen had mentioned before - something about there being a way to defeat the Somvidian Empire. Jojen explains that there is a place called the Isle of Resolution that some claim is mythical, but that he's certain exists - though is seems to have vanished. On the island, there is an artifact that, if paired with another item, will tip the balance of power in the lands in favor of the people. John expresses his frustration that this hasn't been used to defeat the Empire, and Jojen agrees.

Just then, shouts break out across the ship, with fingers pointing over the side. Jojen and John look over to see another ship off in the distance - smaller and faster than theirs - getting capsized by the large waves that are this far out in the ocean. Jojen rushes off to see if he can speak to the captain about this, and learns from the sailors barring his way that they aren't surprised the ship went down - it was foolish to bring a small ship out this far. Nevertheless, Jojen - having had some experience on a ship before - offers his assistance should it become needed.

John rushes below decks to inform Will and the others in their cabin of the tragedy, and returns to the deck with Will so they can be on hand to help any survivors. However, the Spring Blossom doesn't even slow or turn. He's very distressed by this, and goes to find Jojen - who explains that the Spring Blossom is already carrying more people than it should be; there's nothing they can do to help the other ship.

I'Un follows John and Will up to the deck and tries to climb the mast to get a better look at the ship that has gone down, but he can't seem to get enough of a grip to go very far. They're too far to see if there are any survivors, but he's agitated nevertheless. He goes to find Vala, who has started modifying an empty barrel to be a makeshift rescue, should the Spring Blossom suffer the same fate as the other ship. I'Un decides this is a good idea and starts working on a barrel of his own.

That night, John can't get to sleep, so he goes up to the deck to burn off some energy with some fighting exercises. He isn't the only one - he sees someone else in a dark cloak scampering around the rigging. He tries to get them to come down and train with him, but his offer is refused, so he tries calling the person a coward to entice them to come fight. It doesn't work, and it isn't long before the stranger vanishes below decks.

The next day - the 3rd of Waxing Winter - word spreads quickly throughout the Spring Blossom that many people are falling sick - tired, feverish, and vomiting. Captain Opal is asking that anyone who is well enough and believes themselves able to try to find the source of this outbreak. Jojen tears up some of his fine clothes to make masks for everyone in the room, none of which have become sick. He's hoping this might help them stay healthy as they head out to see what they can do to help.

I'Un and Vala make straight for the part of the ship where the animals are stabled, to see if the animals are affected by this sickness as well. The animals all seem to be in fine order, so they decide to head up to the galley where to talk to the cooks about the nature of this illness.

Jojen and John set out looking for patients to examine, but first stop to speak to a gnome who Jojen had marked as someone who might have been a member of his resistance network. After exchanging the correct passphrases, the gnome, Sillo, says that she is a cook ran messages for the resistance - and she recognizes Jojen's name, as she's delivered some of his propaganda in the past. Jojen gives her a mask, and she assures him she's also trying to determine the source of this illness.

John and Jojen then find a patient and, examining him, determine that the illness is contracted through ingestion. Thinking food is the next likely step, they collect Sillo - as she's a cook - and head up to the galley. They arrive, meeting with I'Un and Vala, and head into the kitchens to look for clues.

And that's where this game session ended. What is the source of the mysterious illness plaguing Spring Blossom? Check back next week to (hopefully) find out in Episode 2.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Lark's Landing, Episode 52

Colonial Caerdia: Lark's Landing is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't familiar with this ongoing story, you can follow this link to Once Upon a Tabletop on YouTube to hear the start of it or read the brief summary I wrote when I switched from video to blog.

You can find the previous episode here.

26th of Waning Summer, 1AL

Having just slayed three vampires that has once been members of Port Noble, the 3rd Watch take a brief look around the cat motif room for any threats or treasures - while Fiaeorri immediately takes to looting the halfling, which she recognized as someone who had a necklace like the one she used to hold onto for her master. She can't find it, though, until T'Zaric points it out hanging around the halfling's neck - in her desperation, she'd been searching pockets. Without a second thought, she hangs the necklace around her neck.

They also notice that the poison that once hung in the air here is now gone - or, at least mostly gone.

With five exits from the room, Fiaeorri goes to check the doorway across the room from where they entered to make sure it isn't trapped, while T'Zaric does the same with the secret passage behind the calandar stone. Both appear safe, but T'Zaric as surprised when a flying metal fish-like model comes out of that tunnel, flies around the room for a bit, then exits through the door from which they had entered the room. Everyone is very quick in denying Extang's request to follow it - he's certain it's trying to show them something - but he sullenly agrees that T'Zaric may be right that -if it is trying to show them something, it could possibly be telling them to follow the passage behind the calendar stone.

They travel down into a corridor with double-doors ahead of them and single doors to the left and right. The group decides to peek through the double-doors - just to check that there aren't any vampires in there. When they see, in amongst a metropolis diorama built around rivers of molten metal, a coffin on a dragon-ship, they know they have investigate further. However, as they head in, Fiaeorri is distracted by three pyramids that look as though they open like chests.

The lid of the first one is stuck, but Fiaeorri manages to pry it open, finding heaps of treasure inside. Seeing Fiaeorri shoveling treasure into her pack, T'Zaric changes his course for one of the other pyramids, with Quib trailing after him. This one opens more easily, but as he puts arm in he encounters a trap that he missed in his careful examination. A mechanical vice grabs his arm, holding him in place - but he turns down assistance from Quib and casts a spell, turning himself into mist and slipping out - just in time to miss being jabbed by several needles stabbing out from the walls of the chest. He is then safely able to get at the treasure, most of which he sends over to the party's collection in the bag of holding.

After finishing with her first pyramid, Fiaeorri heads over to the third, and is met there by Extang who is very concerned about her taking all the treasure for herself. On this one, Fiaeorri finds some nozzles, indicating a trap. She ducks down, getting Extang to do the same, and releases the catch with he mage hand. This results in the two of them getting heavily sprayed with a pungent - though nice-smelling - perfume. Extang uses his magic to clean it off of them, and Fiaeorri opens the top of the pyramid - which then shoots darts out from each side, one of which hits Fiaeorri. Not to be deterred, she digs into the treasure inside - this time allowing most of it to go to the bag of holding.

Over at the coffin, Patrick - with Logan nearby for backup - discovers there's a hole in the side. Shining some light in, he see's a skeleton and some scattered trinkets. So, he opens it up for a closer look - finding a skeleton that has been chewed on. He retrieves everything that looks valuable, sending most of it to the bag of holding, but keeping a bit for himself. He also tests the liquid metal with a crossbow quarrel and, when the metal heats up, decides it's a substance he doesn't want to touch.

The group then turns their attention to an alcove off to the side, where there is a huddled corpse on a stone bench with some trinkets at its feet. Patrick dips a crossbow quarrel in the liquid metal and fires it into the corpse - where it punches through the dry, brittle skin and lodges there. After a moment, it begins to smoke.

They head over and find that the corpse is that of a child with its heart cut out. Extang carefully checks the treasures at its feet to see if they are magical - pocketing the heart-shaped agate that is and completely failing to notice Fiaeorri using her mage hand to pilfer a golden llama statuette. The other items go into the bag of holding.

The 3rd Watch head out of the room, and Fiaeorri immediately checks to the right where an open doorway leads into a closet. Finding it safe, she steps in and vanishes - reappearing under an archway at the end of a wide, fresco-covered hall, which she recognizes as being close to where the group was attacked by a massive swarm of rats the last time they were here. Behind her, she finds a solid wall very convincingly painted to look like the hallway continues off into the distance. Then she finds herself pushed out from under the archway as the rest of the group - having been informed by Extang that the closet is a portal - suddenly start appearing.

Regrouped once more, they 3rd Watch continue on past where they slayed the giant rats into the lower passages of the temple. They explore around, finding a couple small treasures that were missed on the first trip to this temple many months earlier. After some misadventures with opening a bulging door with a room full of water behind it - leading to half the party being washed back down the hall - and then coming to rooms that Extang and T'Zaric recall as being close to where they first fell into the temple, the group takes a short break to recover from minor injuries and identify some of their new magic items.

They carry on, and find themselves in a passage that the first explorers believed to be a dead end - as it led to a rubble-filled stairwell. However, Fiaeorri notices that one of the blocks of stone in the slimy, disintegrating-stucco covered walls is much larger than the rest. At her suggestion, Logan pushes the block and in an amazing feat of strength manages to push the block that should have taken at least three of them to move. Behind is a small alcove with six sealed urns and double-doors on the far side.

Fiaeorri smashes one of the urns, covering herself and the floor in oil. Everyone else breaks the beeswax seals on the other urns, finding them also filled with oil. Extang reseals one and shoves it into the bag of holding.

Fiaeorri gives the doors a once-over for traps and, finding none, picks the lock - only to hear glass break on the other side of the door, and have a thick green mist begin to fill the area. No one appears to be feeling any ill effects from it, so they push open the door while Fiaeorri gets Extang to magically clean the oil off of her. Beyond is a chamber with a big stone monument in the middle, and they head in to look around - with Patrick quickly casting a spell creating a gust of wind to blow away the green gas so it is no longer a threat.

The monument is made of several pieces of stone, and covered in carved glyphs - with the top depicting an image of a man that looks an awful lot like Zotzillaha fighting a snake with a string of glyphs below it. Believing this to be Zotzillaha's coffin, Logan tries to push it open - to no avail. Looking around more, Quib finds a set of button-like glyphs at the foot of the monument. He matches them with the glyphs under the image on top of the monument, pushing them in order while everyone else prepares attacks for the vampire they're expecting to pop out.

The last glyph is pushed. Stone grinds on stone as the top of the monument slides open. They wait, but nothing happens. Slowly, they move forward and peek over the top - finding it to be hollow inside, but lacking a vampire - though there are some other treasures in there as well, including a jade mask and pendant that Extang recognizes from when he viewed the vampire's past in a magical mirror in a scene where they were removed as if by magical hands before Zotzillaha opened his eyes and sat up.

The 3rd Watch gather the treasures, and make a plan to wait here to ambush the vampire when he comes to bed. They settle in, some of them attuning to magical items, while others identify more. After waiting for over an hour, Zotzillaha has not yet arrived, but some very bold rats have begun to show up to nibble at them. In fact, the longer they stay, the more rats begin to show up, almost as if they are drawn by their presence.

However, that's where this session ends. Join us next week to find out how our heroes will handle this situation in Episode 53.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blossom Fall, Episode 0

Colonial Caerdia: Blossom Fall is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. This was the first session, which mostly involved creating characters, the players learning about the world, and finally a bit of play where the characters set out on their journey and got to know each other.

5th of Waning Fall, 2158 AE

For twenty years, the Somvidian Empire has been waging an aggressive war, meticulously conquering the entire continent. The war is nearly over, and everyone knows defeat is inevitable. Emperor Somived - a human whose tiefling children are proof of his dealings with devils - will have dominion over the whole continent within the next few tendays.

All hope seems to be lost, and it is a time for desperate actions. There have long been rumors of an ancient land, far across the Endless Ocean, known as Caerdia. No one has been able to find it, and many expeditions seeking to do so have never returned - but it shows up in fairytales and mythology enough to make people wonder, what if it exists?

To the thousands of refugees that have fled to the eastern coast and found there is nowhere else to run, the possibility of Caerdia is a spark of hope. Every vessel, from the largest ship to the smallest rowboat - even home-made rafts - has begun taking on crew and passengers for this potentially suicidal journey. Yet, to many, the chance of a free life is better than the certain death or slavery offered by the Somvidian Empire.

Port cities, like the mercantile city-state New Drovinaar, have so many refugees that tent-cities are forming outside the walls. All sorts of interesting people have arrived here, all with the goal of escaping the oncoming horde. For example, on the 5th of Waning Fall, out on the docks by the Spring Blossom - a weathered, retired merchant vessel that is easily the largest ship in port, an odd pair sneak their way in amongst the barrels and crates being loaded onto the ship. One of them - a pale human man in orange robes, a vest, and baggy pants - hands the last of his gold to the black-haired halfling woman in a hooded cloak. They then proceed to seal the human inside a barrel or wine before the halfling makes her way to the long line leading up the gangplank - pocketing the coins and pulling out her ticket.

At the top of the gangplank, a half-elf woman introduces herself as Captain Opal groups the halfling together with a rich-looking, red-haired and bearded half-elf, and a pair of leather-clad tribal-looking fellows - one a human, the other a half-elf with a tattoo on his face and his brown hair in a ponytail. The group is handed off to a blue dragonborn sailor, who leads them down into the lower levels of the ship. They ask him a bit about this journey to Caerdia, and he expresses that he shares their concern about the success of their voyage, but that it will be better than the Somvidian Empire. The half-elf tribesman is particularly shocked when he hears that people have sailed into the Endless Ocean for months and never found Caerdia.

The dragonborn takes them to a room that already contains Lord Krandig, a human noble with his medium-length red hair in a ponytail and a handlebar goatee. He protests about how he's supposed to have the room to himself, but the halfling just squeezes past his legs while the tribal half-elf rather rudely insists that they need a place to stay as well, and the wealthy-looking half-elf tries to convince Krandig that he is a noble down on his luck and would really enjoy his company for the journey. Lord Krandig isn't entirely convinced, but he grudgingly allows his new roommates in and consolidates his possessions.

The group settles in, and when the ship gets under way the halfling heads off to check on the monk she'd smuggled aboard in a wine barrel. The correct barrel is a bit difficult to find, but she is resourceful and finds that the monk is in surprisingly fine condition, in spite of steadily drinking the wine. She feeds some food into the barrel before heading back to her room.

Lord Krandig warms up to his new roommates, and he begins telling him that - while he's glad to have acquired passage on the Spring Blossom - he wishes he was on his own ship, but unfortunately it is in a far-away port. He then goes on to tell them about the Noble's Lark - a floating zoo he had commissioned that travels up and down the coast. Upon hearing that this boat held animals, the tribal half-elf speaks up, expressing his distaste at animals being held in captivity. He also demands to know if the animals are at least well taken care of, to which Lord Krandig says, of course! They're a business investment, after all.

The half-elf is a bit confused by this statement, which prompts the halfling to explain that civilization runs on money - and to call the half-elf a savage. Tensions rise as an argument starts, which Lord Krandig fails to mediate. However, the wealthier-looking half-elf has a unique solution to the situation - he casts a spell on the cabin that puts everyone - including himself - but the halfling to sleep.

The halfling takes this opportunity to go off and check on the monk again. She finds him drunk and singing, and realizes that the time has come to get him out of the barrel before someone notices. With over 2000 people on the ship, the monk's presence could surely go unnoticed.

After a minute, the people back in the cabin begin waking up. With half the arguers missing, there is no reason for the fight to begin. The first day of the journey continues, with members of the group wandering in and out on various errands and familiarizing themselves with the ship. While out fetching some of the monk-wine to sell to Lord Krandig, the halfling collects the monk and brings him back to their cabin - figuring that there's enough room to squeeze one more person in. She explains away the wine smell by saying that the monk is a vintner who enjoys partaking in his creations.

With everything settling down, the group that has been thrown together to be Lord Krandig's roommates, decide to introduce themselves to each other, since it looks like they'll be living in close quarters for quite some time. The tribal half-elf introduces himself as John Ark, and his human companion as Will Ark, the last survivors of their tribe - which was destroyed by the Somvidian Empire. The other half-elf calls himself Jojen the Wanderer, and the halfling is Vala Underhill. Lastly, the not-so-well-feeling monk hesitantly tells them his name is I'Un.

And that brings an end to this week's game session. You can learn more about this haphazard gang and their journey aboard the Spring Blossom next week in Episode 1.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Lark's Landing, Episode 51

Colonial Caerdia: Lark's Landing is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't familiar with this ongoing story, you can follow this link to Once Upon a Tabletop on YouTube to hear the start of it or read the brief summary I wrote when I switched from video to blog.

You can find the previous episode here.

15th-26th of Waning Summer, 1AL

The 3rd Watch are assembled, and finally ready to head out to hunt Zotzillaha, the vampire god of the underworld. Or, at least, just about ready. They hold a meeting to discuss strategy, spells, and to trade a few magic items tor optimal use. As prepared as they believe they can be, they head out, with Quib and Extang navigating the group through the jungle.

They get turned around a few times, but they eventually make it to the temple on the evening of the 25th of Waning Summer. They decide to sleep and tackle the temple in the morning. However, early in the night, while Fiaeorri and Patrick are standing watch, there is a loud thump that awakens the entire party - Fiaeorri announces that the alter in front of the temple - the one they found a cache of treasure under - has fallen over.

Grumbling, they get up - some of them preparing for an attack. Fiaeorri and Logan go and look into the pit below the alter, where they see three humanoids looking up at them and hissing. Two of them are red-skinned goblinoids of some kind, but the third appears to be Thava - a hulking dragonborn woman Logan had passed over as an apprentice. All three creatures, fangs bared, easily climb out of the pit - practically walking up the walls - and begin attacking Logan and Fiaeorri, with Thava taking a particular interest in Logan.

The 3rd Watch unleash their fury on these new vampires, and mange to kill them - though Fiaeorri loses a fair amount of blood to one of them as it snacks on her. With the creatures dispatched, they return to their rest.

In the morning, after watching the sun turn the vampires to dust, they re-enter the temple - entering down a chute beneath a trap-door, then following a passage through a couple rooms until they reach the one with a well they need to climb down. They lower ropes, and climb down to the top of a hill in the middle of a room with the floor filled with dioramas. A path leads to the doors that lead deeper into the temple, but the door is blocked by three of those reddish goblinoids. One of the goblinoids says, "Intruders! Alert the masters!" - one runs off down the hall, while the other two block the doorway.

The 3rd Watch leap into action, hoping to stop the messenger. Quib dazzles the goblinoids with an illusion spell, while Extang casts haste on Fiaeorri and Logan, hoping they'll be able to catch the fleeing messenger in time. Fiaeorri rushes up and attacks the door guards, and T'Zaric flies into the air, casting spells at them. Patrick runs right up to them, calling on Epesta to destroy undead - which has no effect, as these creatures apparently aren't undead. So he summons a magical greatsword to attack them.

Logan runs up until he can see far enough down the hallway to teleport beyond those guarding the door and runs on into the darkness - but he's blind in the darkness, and there are three different paths his quarry might have taken. Instead of running off into unknown danger, he returns to the doorway and the light cast by his friends' spells.

The goblinoids are quickly finished off, and Fiaeorri (her way lit by Ruby, her pet giant firebeetle) darts ahead with T'Zaric on her heels, trying to find the messenger, while the others debate what to do next. They split up to explore the two secret passages and the rooms beyond, finding them to be free of the creature.

They regroup with the others, and together they take the side passage, heading for the stairs and the lower levels. They come to a large, rubble-filled room with three doorways leading out and one of the red goblinoids lying in the middle of the floor. Fiaeorri sneaks towards it while Patrick casts a spell to detect nearby evil - and finds no creatures of an evil type nearby - except T'Zaric, of course. Reaching the sleeping goblinoid, Fiaeorri stabs it, and withdraws her blade to find almost no blood on it. The creature was already dead - but the body was still warm. They make an educated guess that this was the messenger.

They move on quickly, through the left door, wanting to make as much use as possible of Patrick's spell. They pass through a room of dust phantoms, and follow the passageway beyond to what they know to be the cat motif room, where they faced Zotzillaha the last time they were here. Patrick's spell tells him that there are three evil creatures out in the room. Fiaeorri sneakily opens the door and peeks out... but can't see anything in the darkness. So T'Zaric flies above her head to peek out, and with his darkvision he can see three forms - an elf, a human, and a halfling - in the middle of the room.

They withdraw and make a plan with the others. Everyone readies various attacks, and Logan opens the door. Spells and an arrow bombard the three vampires, and the 3rd watch charge in, blasting their enemies. As Fiaeorri gets in closer, she recognizes the halfling, who she is focusing her attention on, as the one who had a pendant like hers.

The vampires barely have time to get a few desperate swipes in before Quib walks into the middle of the melee and releases a deafening blast of sound that harms friend and foe alike. The vampires, weakened from the earlier attacks, fall to the ground, dead.

And that brings an end to this game session. Will the 3rd Watch find Zotzillaha? Will he find them? Will anyone survive? Find out next week in Episode 52.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Moving With the Times

            Well, I think it’s finally happened. My brain has run dry of ideas for what to blog about, and I feel like I’ve been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a month or so. I mean, is that surprising after six years of weekly blogs? So, at this point, I can either start repeating myself (as I’ve tried very hard not to do), or I can cut back on the frequency of my blogs so I can deliver higher quality content. I mean, I could stop blogging altogether, but that just seems like quitting.

            So, I’m deciding to cut back on the frequency of my regular blogs. For now, I’ll shoot for every two weeks, but I may go down to once a month, depending on how it goes. If you want to see more from me, then please go ahead and send me suggestions as to what you want to see me ramble on about!

            The D&D stories will continue as usual, being updated as the games happen. Oh, yes, games plural! It’s only been one so far, but in this coming week a second game will be joining the first, and I’m going to try to keep a log of that one as well – so, if you enjoy such things, you have that to look forward to.

            To those of you who enjoy reading my weekly inane rambling, I do apologise for the decreased activity, however I hope this will mean an increase in the quality of my content. And, hey, as I said before – if you want to hear more from me, tell me what you’d like to hear my thoughts on! I don’t promise I’ll use every idea, but if it sparks my interest, you’re (almost) sure to get something interesting.

Check out my YouTube channel where I tell the stories of my D&D campaigns.

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

Also, make sure you check out my wife's blog and her website.

If there's any subject you'd like to see me ramble on about, feel free to leave a comment asking me to do so.

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Lark's Landing, Episode 50

Colonial Caerdia: Lark's Landing is a story being told through a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running at a local hobby shop called the Devil's Bench. If you aren't familiar with this ongoing story, you can follow this link to Once Upon a Tabletop on YouTube to hear the start of it or read the brief summary I wrote when I switched from video to blog.

You can find the previous episode here.

31st of Waxing Summer - 15th of Waning Summer, 1AL

Having received fairly clear evidence that his apprentice, Lykos, is in the hands of Zotzillaha, the vampire god of the underworld, Logan flies into a rage and has to be restrained to keep him from breaking everything in sight. However, in spite of this dire news, the group decides to wait the final 23 days until Patrick's birthday so he could honor his deal with Saul to wait for proper guidance - whatever that means. Besides, they feel they could use the time to prepare more for what is to come.

Over the next couple tendays, they prepare in the ways they can think of. Quib goes to Stor, asking him to find more help to fight the vampire. Stor says he'll try, but he doesn't think he'll be able to find anyone, especially since they are trying to keep the vampire's presence a secret. Besides, who, other than the 3rd Watch, is powerful enough to take on such a powerful creature?

Patrick takes a trip to the Temple of the Four to see if there are any helpful books that have been donated to their library. He is appalled to discover that no such donations have been made - partially because not many refugees brought books with them while fleeing the Somvidian Empire. So, he promptly goes home, gathers all the books he's already read, and donates them.

Extang continues with his magical experiments, but also turns his attention to the magical items he has been holding for the party, trying to figure out how to best use them. When he comes to a magical rod, he pauses. He doesn't fully understand it, beyond knowing that only a specific type of spellcaster can use it. Even though he isn't that type of spellcaster, he tries to attune to it anyway.

It doesn't work, but a shape shimmers into existence, towering over him. It has large, elaborate antlers above an human-like face that protrudes into a short snout with a dog-like nose. It has hooves for feet, and a furred lower-half, with a fluffy, almost squirrel-like tail. The fur fades to skin as it spreads up its muscular, four-armed torso. It introduces itself as Garamfollabarenhallastyxientropefma - or Styx, for short - and tells that he is a creature from the Feywild that has some sort of connection to the magical rod. Quib, who is off in a corner of the room, stops going through his stack of notes to stare in awe.

Half-terrified, but thinking that this powerful creature might be able to help in the struggle against Zotzillaha, Extang suggests a game where, if he answers a question correctly, Styx will answer a question of his. Styx is enthusiastic about the game, but insists upon the stakes being set in stone. He agrees to tell Extang what he knows about vampires if Extang can give a correct answer, but in exchange, if he cannot, Extang must give him his soul. Extang agrees.

Styx then asks a riddle: A lark can carry me, though a strong man might not - what am I? As Extang sets to pondering, Quib - fascinated by this, and seemingly unnoticed by this creature, begins idly playing his lute. Extang is struggling with the riddle, and his attention is drawn to the performing bird-creature. After a moment of staring thoughtfully at the strings being plucked on the lute, he blurts out, "A tune!"

Styx is delighted and impressed that Extang solved his riddle, and tells what he knows about vampires - though there is little more than the group has already learned. Quib wrights all of it down, then sneaks out the window to deliver the new information to Hargrom and the militia. Styx then offers Extang a deal, to grant him more magical power. After some thought, Extang agrees, and Styx says he'll have a contract drawn up and sent. The strange creature then flickers and blinks out of existence.

After delivering the information to Hargrom, Quib pays a brief visit to the wizard, Feryon, and asks about the Feywild, learning (after proving he isn't a vampire) that it is another dimension.

Patrick takes Logan to the shrine to Epesta, then they attempt to determine if Lykos has been turned into a vampire. They do this by sending him a magical message - telling him that they know the vampire has him and asking if he has been turned into one. The response is a gabbled one about the vampire having him and drinking his blood, but it is cut off by the limited length of the spell just as he's about to tell something he thinks the vampire is going to do. Patrick sends another spell, demanding the rest of the sentence, but the response is calm and confused about what he's talking about - as well as the irritation at the frequency of these spells being sent to him. This leads Patrick and Logan to believe - or at least hope - that Lykos is not yet a vampire, though he is likely under the vampire's influence.

The 14th of Waning Summer finally arrives, bringing with it Epesta's holy day, the Feast of the Sun and Sea, and Patrick's eighteenth birthday. Patrick wakes up to find a coin inside the book he fell asleep reading. It is platinum with a golden symbol of Epesta on it. He takes it to Saul, asking if he's the one who put it there, but Saul has never seen it before - and he freaks out a little at the idea that someone snuck into Patrick's room and begins talking about boarding up the window.

Figuring that Stor is the only other person he knows that might have snuck the coin into his room, Patrick goes to see him - and Stor explains that, ever since getting to this land, everyone in the 3rd Watch seems to have mysteriously received one of these coins on their birthday, and they grant a one-time magical effect. Patrick takes some time with his coin, and discovers that once he uses it, it will make him better at everything he attempts until the next occurrence of a full moon.

Everyone who is interested heads out a network of rafts in the bay where Epesta worshipers are celebrating the Feast of the Sun and Sea. Afterwards, Patrick heads to the shine to Epesta alone, where he waits the rest of the day for the guidance Saul told him he would receive. But nothing happens. Frustrated, Patrick returns home and goes to bed.

That night, he dreams he is on a beach, under a sunny sky, and there's a dolphin out in the water - swimming back and forth between him on the shore and the open ocean. Patrick hesitates, then enters the water, swimming out after the dolphin. He finds himself on an island with a towering statue of a winged woman. The robes she is wearing are fastened with a broach bearing the symbol of Epesta. On the base of the statue, in the language of celestials - which Patrick doesn't understand how he understands - is a name: Yaella.

Patrick kneels and prays before the statue. When he opens his eyes, he is no longer kneeling, but standing at the helm of a ship. Beside him is a pedestal holding a compass. The needle of the compass looks like the same woman as the statue. As he watches, it turns, so he turns the wheel to follow it's directions. After some time of following the compass, Patrick finds that his ship has been run aground. There is a jungle ahead of him, so he enters it. It gets darker and darker in the jungle, until he finds a blood-red mist hanging in the air ahead of him. The mist opens a fanged mouth, then explodes into brilliant sunlight - and Patrick wakes up.

Patrick immediately goes to Saul and tells him of his dream. They both believe this was the guidance he was supposed to be receiving. Patrick believes it means he is supposed to kill the vampire, and he's surprised when Saul doesn't object. Saul explains that he doesn't like the idea, but Patrick is eighteen now and has someone else to guide him. The two have an emotional goodbye, with Patrick asking Saul to give his love to his parents if he doesn't survive - and if his parents are ever seen again. Still, he hesitates before leaving, suddenly nervous. Now that he isn't being forbidden from going, he isn't sure he wants to go - so Saul helpfully tells him he can't go and demands that he goes to his room. Patrick obstinately refuses to go to his room, and storms out of the house - pausing to tell Saul that he loves him just as Saul wishes him luck and tells him to be safe.

Regrouping with the rest of the 3rd Watch, Patrick also shares his dream with them - which engenders a small amount of irritation that they were waiting around for his guidance just to be told to do what they were going to do anyway. Yet, they know it is time to set out - but Quib requests that they accompany him down to the Explorers' Guild headquarters in the tavern before leaving. There he hands his large stack of notes to Stor, telling him to give them to a trustworthy wizard if he doesn't return.

Quib then uses his magic to show the group his last moments with the half-orc wizard who had been his master. In it, the wizard explains that the notes are his life's work as a research wizard, and he's sending them off with Quib because he believes the Somvidian Empire is after them. There is then a pounding at the door, announcing the arrival of the Somvidian army, and Quibs master teleports him away - to Krorheart, where the Noble's Lark is clearly visible in the harbor.

The image memory fades, and Stor promises Quib he'll take very good care of the notes. However, certain members of the 3rd Watch are eyeing those notes covetously...

And that's where this game session came to an end. Find out what happens next week as the 3rd Watch set out to hunt Zotzillaha in Episode 51.