Monday, June 16, 2014

Thank You for Supporting Artists

            Oooh, I'm actually writing this blog on Monday for once! Of course, that’s because it’s after midnight and I just recently got home from a weekend of vending at the Oxford Renaissance Festival. That means, sadly (or happily, depending on how you feel about it), another short blog.

            This weekend’s show went spectacularly for Ringcrafts. We made over three times as much as we did at the same show last year and twice as much as we thought possible. We were completely blown away by how successful we were.

            For this reason, I’d like to thank everyone out there who goes to these events and supports artists. After a weekend like this one, we feel so incredibly appreciated that our will to push forward and make a living through our art is redoubled. I’d particularly like to thank our customers who remembered us from last year and saved their money so they could buy from us (it made us feel really special when you told us that), as well as the delightful lady that bought our scale shirt – making armour is where I started and I never get to make as much as I’d like to.

            Above all, I’d like to thank whoever it was who decided to give us the first booth inside the gates. You’re my hero. Please do it again.

Click here to find the charity anthology containing a couple of my short stories.

If there's any subject you'd like to see me ramble on about, feel free to leave a comment asking me to do so.

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